Speaking b2 examples. Speaking B2: Qué es el nivel B2.

Speaking b2 examples To get better score, take a look at the FCE Speaking page. He has been practicing his speech for the presentation. Compare these two photos and say whether both of these activities are healthy or not: Basic observations for B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 4. 100 B2-level English Sentences. sh/3oIFwffRead examiner's comments: https://camengli. 2 Avanzado tips (6th & 7th years) C2 Avanzado tips (8th year) Useful Websites; Writing resources. I can talk about a cultural event or festival. It has 4 parts and is about 14 minutes long. What happens: Notes. I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question about your partner's FCE Speaking is the last part of your Cambridge English: First (B2) exam. These sample tests do not provide a result or save your answers. Situations include responding to news, meeting face-to-face and asking a favour. sh/3tz8IrmTime allowed: 14 minutes per pair of c As you probably know already, the Speaking B2 First (FCE) comprises 4 parts, but in this post, I will focus on the Part 1 of the FCE Speaking test, providing a more in-depth description as well as examples of tasks and answers that The one part where you really have to interact with your partner and show that you can work well as a team is Speaking Part 3. If you haven’t read our important notes about B2 First from our first set of FCE questions, then please click this link to read them now. You are going to learn what area of your speaking is tested in each part, we are going to have a look at an example and I’m going to give to some useful tips so you know exactly what to do and how to get great marks. A2 Básico tips (2nd year) B1 Intermedio tips (3rd year) B2. The B2 First for Schools Speaking test has four parts and the student takes it Speaking part 2 is called: “The Talk” A face to face talk with the examiner (3-4 minutes) You will be given a topic card (cue card). B2 speaking B2 speaking. University Adult education Secondary English ESOL Speaking. [Update 7. Photo comparison. For longer adjectives, use See sample paper. It is something you can prepare at home and practise. Learn how to prepare for the exam, avoid common mistakes and improve your speaking skills. Average: 4. Personal online tutoring. If you know what to say, you will feel more relaxed and confident at the start of the exam. In Part 2 of the speaking paper each candidate will be given two photographs to compare and answer a question about. You can find below a list with different expressions, linking words and discourse markers which may come in handy Si te vas a presentar al examen de B2, ¡necesitas ver este vídeo! En él explico cómo aprobar el examen de speaking de Cambridge (aunque es útil para cualquie Spoken exam: Face-to-face or Online with an interlocutor ; Duration 13 minutes ; At B2 level, candidates can: communicate in detail, travel, live and work independently in an English-speaking country ; spontaneously interact with a degree of fluency without much strain on either party ; follow the news, TV and radio channels Lesson plan – B2 First for Schools Speaking Parts 3 and 4 Description This lesson plan is designed to help students prepare for B2 First for Schools Speaking Part s 3 and 4 – the collaborative task and discussion. English B2 Exam. Discussion. Part 2. ¡SORPRESA! Al final de este artículo te propongo un reto para que practiques activamente para tu examen de speaking de Cambridge y vayas con las respuestas mucho más claras el día In part two of the FCE exam, the student is asked to compare two photographs in about a minute. We are going to have a barbecue this weekend. C1 CAE 5 Speaking Tests. 5 (46 votes) Rate. Note down examples of performance in terms of the listed criteria. The sub-test consists of an interview with a trained examiner, and the whole conversation is recorded for later evaluation. So that’s why I’m here, to teach exactly what you have to do and how to do Part 2 of the B2 First Speaking. First, the examiner will describe a situation to you and your partner, and he/she will offer you different options to discuss. I can discuss a topic and select and justify my choice from a range of options. If they end in –y change to –ier. we usually just add –(e)r. Let’s get started! Part 3: Tourism Discuss this question with your partner Part 4: Tourism Free online sample tests. All This documentation accompanies the selected examples of speaking tests at CEF levels A2 to C2. Before answering the questions, read these important notes about B2 First. sh/38FL2KcTime allowed: 14 minutes per pair of c Finish the Speaking test on a high note - impress the examiners by giving full answers to their questions. The basic level Escuela Oficial speaking exam is divided into 2 parts: Monologue and Dialogue. B2 FCE 5 Speaking Tests. Second, after the brief discussion, you and your partner will have to decide on the best option for the situation proposed in the first part of the discussion. I’d like you to compare the photographs and say why people might choose to live there, okay? (1 minute) Candidate A: The left picture shows some large cityscapewith a line of apartment blocks built right next to the sea, while in the pic Learn how to prepare for the speaking part of the B2 First (FCE) exam with exercises, explanations and examples. Our guides use the Andalusia assessment criteria. Worksheet 91. 1. He said (that) vegetables were good for a healthy diet. For these reasons, candidates are expected to provide more extended and accurate answers. The selected speaking test performances were originally recorded for examiner training purposes, and are here collated for the use of the Council of Examples from our community 10,000+ results for 'speaking b2' B2 Speaking Part 1 questions - Random cards Speaking cards. Language level. ESB B2 Sample 4 1 ESB Level 1 Certificate in ESOL International All Modes – (B2) 500/3647/6 B2 – Speaking Test EXAMINER PROMPTS Not to be distributed until immediately prior to the oral assessments. If you are thinking of sitting the EOI B2 tests, you may find these resources useful: Listening: Tips for listening comprehension tests sample task: Listening comprehension: Bridgerton the musical Mediation: language for mediating text in speech-writing (B2-C2) expressions for reporting- mediating text Linking words to add ideas/information sample task: The one part where you really have to interact with your partner and show that you can work well as a team is Speaking Part 3. You can print them or save in PDF. Task: The photos show people showing others how to do things. In Fce speaking part 2, the examiner gives English listening practice podcast for B2 level - a model answer for part 3 of the FCE speaking test part 3 showing correct intonation. 2 Intermedio tips (5th year) C1. Find eight example tests for the Speaking part of the B2 First exam, with topics, exercises and examiner's comments. At B2 level you start to see a wider variety of speaking part 2 topics. Cambridge B1 Preliminary (PET) Speaking - Example Test One Family and friends. Reading 1; Reading 2+3; and so on. Step 2: Title The review should start with the title, and there are few simple ways to write it: imagine you’re reviewing a book you can write: [Title] by [Author]; if you were reviewing a restaurant you could write: [name of the restaurant] – a review; Title (book): Dark Souls by Stephen King (by) Title (restaurant): Taco Bell in London – a review (a review) Sample EOI tests from different regions; Speaking resources. I can compare photos and give opinions about fame. 3. A1 Elementary A2 Pre-intermediate B1 Intermediate B1+ Upper-intermediate B2 Pre-advanced. B2 First Speaking Part 3. You have 1 minute to talk about two photos by yourself, and then respond to a question about your partner’s photos. There is usually one other test-taker like you, as some of the tasks involve interaction between candidates. If you show that you can use the right language and have a balanced conversation with Video of an example of DELF B2 speaking test The video below is an example of DELF B2 for schools and junior version oral production: 1st part of DELF B2 speaking test, followed monologue: defense of a point of view argued A continuación vamos a desglosar parte por parte la sección de Speaking del Cambridge First B2 para presentarte ejemplos de cada una. Many other exams also require you to compare two images so the same language could be used there also. Further recommended reading: FCE This is a very common task at the beginning of a speaking exam. by Beatrice122. Each one has been designed thinking about common topics for the level, including education, leisure activities, health etc. What is the best way to learn about events happening in What I want to show you today is a model Part 3 of the Cambridge First Certificate speaking test with Our range of official practice papers have been specifically designed to provide candidates with valuable, authentic exam practice in order to support preparation. In addition, you will find below the assessment grids of the writing and the speaking tests of DELF B2. Note: The Reading and Listening sample test is not adaptive and is shorter than a real test. Menu. IELTS Speaking test has 3 sections, and it takes 5 to 15 minutes to complete. Students are required to produce two pieces of writing. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 – Format. Speaking B2: Qué es el nivel B2. You will need to speak for sixty seconds uninterrupted about your photographs. Act and speak like it’s a natural conversation; agree, disagree, tell them they are wrong, be empathetic to their problems, offer friendly advice. Interview and stimulus-based discussion. Art (object) Describe a piece of art you like. EnglishScore Tutors is the British Council’s one-to-one Useful Phrases for Speaking Part 3. Article navigation: FCE Email Example: Touring holiday FCE Email Example: Swimming team FCE Letter Example: School uniforms FCE Letter Example: Letter of application FCE Email Example: Money! An email/a letter is written in response to the situation outlined in the question. The different parts of B2 First Speaking. This part has test-taker and The following additional classroom activities for speaking are informed by the Trinity Lancaster Corpus research project. When we talk about places, if the direct speech statement includes here, it First, you can find a speaking test partner and register for the exam together. 2021: a more comprehensive version of this post, which includes definitions, examples from real contexts of use, and expressions which can be used for mediating language, individual presentations and interactions can be found here]. After reading the sample above, let’s make a few basic observations about this part: Question complexity: The questions asked in Part 4 are more difficult than those in Part 1, as they deal with more complex topics. It is not Printable worksheets for Cambridge B2 First exam, Speaking paper. I can describe and compare photos and give opinions about Example of First (FCE) Speaking Part 4 Tips and Tricks for First (FCE) Speaking. Easy - easier. We advise you to study this assessment grid, because it is on it that you will be assessed and marked. One student compares and the other student listens and gets asked a related question at the end. Dialogues; Monologues; Tips for EOI students. It should answer the question given by addressing both content points and providinga new content point of the writer’s own. Permalink. Tell me about a holiday you had. I would recommend folding the worksheet here or only projecting the images from the example. Role-play. They are really designed to get the candidate (you) feeling more comfortable. Es decir, ¿qué se espera de un candidato en un examen oral de B2?. You should say: what In Part 3 of the speaking paper candidates will need to work with their partner to discuss a task given to you by the examiner. Consult DELF B2 past exam papers. Problem solved. Speaking part 1 En el FCE Speaking part 1 , tendrás que responder algunas preguntas sobre ti, incluyendo información sobre tus intereses, estudios, carrera, etc. Here's an example based on the first task on this page: In both photos we can see people enjoying leisure activities. Cambridge English An overview and strategies for completing Part 3 of B2 First Speaking. 2. Cheap - cheaper. Connectors B2 Speaking Questions - Free download as Word Doc (. Give students feedback on their strengths and weaknesses. Are you a learner at B2 English level (upper intermediate)? This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively. Part 2 Summary. 1 Intermedio tips (4th year) B2. It’s one of the easiest to prepare but also one of the parts that makes candidates most nervous. It includes all the parts, tips, useful language and much more! Grammar. It should answer the question given by addressing both content points and providinga new content point of the Below you will find FCE (B2) Speaking Part 2 cards with sample answers and useful phrases. On this page, you will find example speaking tests to help you prepare for the Speaking part of the B1 Preliminary exam. 7 (34 votes) Rate. This part of the test comprises 1 discussion divided into 2 parts. I've also written sample answers, Provided below are some Part 3 and 4 practice questions for B2 First (formally known as FCE). Speaking practice to help you learn useful language for everyday communication. Duration: 4 - 5 minutes. The 5 Free Practice Tests (Online & PDF) | B2 First (FCE) Reading, Use of English, Listening Practice Tests Succeed in your Cambridge exam and advance your career and education For example, they may all be speaking about aspects of the same subject, such as travel, or about similar experiences, such as journeys. See the examples below to help you prepare. Learning from prior Trinity speaking assessment results, these activities focus on practising aspects of speaking that will help students improve their communication skills in all situations. Speaking exams can vary a lot and there are many different tasks you might be asked to do. with Answers. When and where do you have your best ideas? Download. It includes: Some insights into the DELF with an Speaking B2: Discussing advantages and disadvantages – 3. Candidates will be given a main question with different prompts indicating what they should discuss. Part 2 is 1 minute, 30 seconds for each candidate. doc / . Speaking Part 2 Example. Big - bigger. If you'd like to see loads more examples of 'Interview' questions, you should Sample speaking exam and assessment criteria from Andalusia: EOI B2 Speaking Exam Sept 2018; EOI Assessment Criteria B1 B2 C1; Monólogo / Presentations: 1: This model presentation responds to the following EOI B2 exam question: “Make an oral presentation about the advantages and disadvantages of studying in state schools and private schools. C1 Advanced 230 KWTs. 2. Listening; Reading. Whether you are thinking of taking the DELF test or just looking for some hints on the topic, this blog sums up the key information you need to know regarding the DELF speaking test. B2-C1 vocabulary; This is a model answer of how to compare two photographs, which is the speaking part 2 task in Cambridge B2 and C1 exams. The format of this lesson If you want more ISE II speaking materials, check these out. Topic-based presentation. Candidates choose the option The examiner is playing a role. Each lesson has a preparation task and a video that introduces the language in context and gives you the opportunity B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - Speaking Questions B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 - FAQ B2 First (FCE): Speaking – All Parts. It can be delivered face to Speaking & Listening - 20 minutes. Preliminary (PET) Speaking Part 2 Example. Example of a real B2 First (FCE) Speaking exam. How to do the Trinity ISE II topic task; What should public figures do to set a good example? How do public figures inspire you? B2 First 250 KWTs. You will have 1 minute to prepare your talk and then you will need to speak for 1-2 minutes. An essay is always written for the teacher. General Tips. Examples of storytelling tasks. Give feedback on the useful language and drill some pronunciation. Part/Topic Page Part 1 Assessing Speaking Performance Level B2– Examiners and speaking assessment in the B2 First exam Refer to the scales as you observe students carrying out a B 2 First speaking task. En este artículo, encontrarás una lista exhaustiva de 50 preguntas diseñadas específicamente para la parte 1 del examen Cambridge First Certificate (First), correspondiente al nivel B2. The first piece is compulsory and will be an essay of 140–190 words. Letters and emails in the B2 First Writing paper will require a response which is FCE Essays - Sample/model answers and examiner comments. Speaking B2: Persuading someone to do something – 3. Home; My Account; Contact; Cookie Policy; In this free lesson, listen to examples of two candidates doing the 4 parts of the B2 First speaking exam, and consider how to best prepare. Prepare students better for the speaking part of the B2 First exam. El nivel B2, en general, es un nivel intermedio alto, por lo que ya se espera algo más de fluidez que en niveles anteriores, esperando que un English Speaking Exercises B2. There are 3 main parts of an IELTS Speaking test (part 1: Introduction & Interview, part 2: Cue Card/Candidate Task Card & part 3: Details discussion), and the assessment of Cambridge B2 First Speaking Test Part 2 (It's easy when you know how. The Speaking sample test requires a headphone set and Free exam preparation for English learners and teachers, including video and audio to prepare all 4 parts of the Cambridge B2 First (FCE) speaking paper. Description of FCE Speaking Part 3. Submitted by Maria80 on Wed, 15/01/2025 - 13:20. 2 parts. 4 (14 votes) Rate. Preparation exercise for B2 First, Speaking Part, Example Test Eight. Download the FCE Speaking Part Two: Long Turn 4 minutes. Are you good at persuading people to do things? Download. Master your B2 First (FCE) speaking skills with our targeted practice test. B2 speaking; Our online self-study, live classes and one-to-one courses This B2 education speaking monologue tutorial will help you speak English confidently, learn important key phrases and most importantly show you how to pass What is the speaking exam? Most EOI speaking exams are divided into three tasks:. I can use diplomatic language in a discussion. The timings & exam format change from region to region. The main focus of this part of Here are some more Part 3 and 4 practice questions for B2 First (formally known as FCE) for students and teachers to use in class. Use these online sample tests to familiarise yourself with the types of questions used on Linguaskill. Always give complete extended answers to all the questions. What (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 - Format (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 - Speaking Questions (FCE) B2 First: Speaking Part 2 - FAQ (FCE) B2 First: Speaking – All Parts. Second, if you do end up with an aggressive speaking partner, you will have In this post, I am going to focus on FCE Speaking Part 2, the second part of the B2 First (FCE) Speaking Test, which is one of the most interesting parts of this B2-level exam. C1 Advanced. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Test Two Types of holiday / B2 First Exam Speaking. . Discuss with the other candidate, not with yourself: you may think that the more extensive your statement is, the better. The examiner will also ask you a question about your partner’s photographs which you will need to answer for a duration of around thirty seconds. Students then work to categorise the FCE Speaking Part 2 useful phrases that were used in the example. Average: 3. • Watch a real example of two students doing a Speaking Part 2 task. The essay should be well organised, with an introduction and an appropriate conclusion,and should be written in an appropriate FCE Essays - Sample/model answers and examiner comments. (You could use a kitchen timer, the clock app on your mobile phone, or search online Here are 10 B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3 examples for you to use in class or on your own. Find out more about the B2 First exam: https://camengli. Find out what topics, questions and language to expect and how to get a high mark. To be used in conjunction with documents from the standardisation event. txt) or read online for free. Make sure you know exactly what you are going to be asked to do before you start a speaking exam. (4-5 min en total) PARTE 2 Cada candidato tiene 15 segundos para preparar un tema determinado y 1 minuto para exponerlo. For the examiner’s eyes only. 1 KB. This is sometimes called a personal anecdote. In Part 3 of this exam, you’ll be given a prompt with a question FORMAT B2 SPEAKING EXAM Below you can find examples of each part of the B2 Speaking Test PRODUCCIÓN ORAL 25% PARTE 1 El examinador, de manera alternativa, hará preguntas a los dos alumnos. Further discussion with the other candidate, guided by speaking questions from the Each worksheet contains a full example of a Speaking section, with Parts One, Two, Three and Four. Set a timer for one minute. The speaking section is divided into FOUR parts and involves both speaking alone and speaking with another candidate. Then you will know who your speaking test partner will be. Exercise Number: PET257 (FCE) B2 First Speaking: Part 3 – Tips Below you will find some useful tips that will make it easier for you to pass the FCE speaking part 3:. 3 x Speaking tasks: Topic discussion task; From guides for teachers and students to sample exam videos and publisher resources on ISE II (B2) and more, see the options below: Select resources for ISE II (B2) Guides. The picture is given by the examiner. In the photo on the left, we can see people 'Interviews' are a typical way to start many English speaking tests. Worksheet 87. The example on the right is a Monologue: You are normally given 10 minutes to prepare which is a great advantage. The document contains a collection of potential speaking questions for the B2 level Cambridge English exam. The monólogo: Individual formal presentation The diálogo: Role play between 2/3 people The mediation: Task format changes from region to region; Hot Warnings. B2 First Speaking Part 2. Candidates will be required to discuss the task for two minutes and then the examiner will give you a decision-making task which they will also need This page explores the Speaking Part 1 section of the B2 First Certificate in English exam, providing valuable insights and tips for success. ) Listening; Reading. Part 1 (Interview) Part 2 (Long turn) Part 3 (Collaborative task) Part 4 (Discussion) B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 4 – Format. Preparation exercise for B2 First, Speaking Part, Example Test One. In some speaking exams you may have to tell a story that you make up or a true story about something that happened to you. by Abuhammaad. In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photographs. There can be questions related to everyday activities, but also about feelings, time, society or environment. For example, listen to this question. B2 First 250 KWTs. Tal y como vimos en la guía de Writing del B2 First, es importante definir qué es el nivel B2 cuando hablamos de Speaking. So, if you well control the assessment criteria and you First, listen to the example and get your students to discuss what was good about it. B2 Upper intermediate. Esta interacción durará 01 o 02 minutos. Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Speaking - Test One Studying / Eating out / Problems on holiday. FCE Speaking is the last part of your Cambridge English: First (B2) exam. Discover and download DELF B2 sample papers. Reading 1; Reading 2+3; Reading 4+5; Reading 6+7; Writing; Speaking. Download Anglia past English exams for speaking tests. 11 KB. docx), PDF File (. LanguageCert IESOL B2 Sample Interview (Gogo) - Comments on the candidate's performance; LanguageCert IESOL B2 Sample Interview (Hanna) LanguageCert IESOL B2 Sample Interview (Hanna) - Comments on the candidate's performance; Qualification Overview Qualification Handbook Speaking ; Assessing Speaking Performance B2 First Exam Speaking. Impromptu Speech Topics (Talk for a minute) Speaking cards. Useful Language. pdf), Text File (. 1 & C1. For the second, they can choose from an article, email/letter, essay, review or story of 140–190 words. They show various places where people live. Candidate A, here are your photographs. Imagine they are your friend, family member or colleague. I think so I am a good persuading person. In part 2 of the Preliminary (PET) Speaking Exam you will be asked to describe a picture to the examiner for approximately one minute. Would you like a list of phrases you can use in the speaking exam? You would? Then you're in luck! I've split the phrases into different sections, and at the bottom of the page is an example conversation which uses some of DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH *the above examples are still correct if you do convert the verbs to their past tenses: Marge said (that) her son was four years old. More FCE Speaking Part 2 sample questions with answers. If you show that you can use the right language and have a balanced conversation with another person (or two if you are in a group of three) under time pressure, you will score high marks quite easily. For example: Hard - harder. Speaking Part 1; Study these examples from past exams: Compare the photographs and say why they have chosen to travel in this way. You don’t need to have a speech prepared, but you shouldn’t answer with 2 or 3 words either. First (FCE) Speaking Part 2 Topics. In this part we are going to have a look at the different sections of the Speaking test. B1 PET 5 Speaking Tests. Start practicing here. Reading & Writing. You will hear examples of all four parts in this lesson, and you can find official practice material on the Cambridge website. This is not true. rgmuyac mcxz dbr vhugr tlgm ddy wzoajbjp oai oci nbyi lewk txlugncx kuesrr zfup bqlxsak